


Hangovers services offered in St. Petersburg, FL

Instead of wasting your valuable weekend in bed with a hangover, consider the Hangover Box intravenous (IV) treatment for a fast reset. At Hydration Box in St. Petersburg, Florida, April Mitchell, RN, provides customizable IV therapy experiences that can revitalize you. The Hangover Box treatment infuses vital nutrients and medicines to fight nausea, headaches, and fatigue. Call Hydration Box or book a treatment consultation online to learn more.

Hangovers Q & A

What causes a hangover?

Complete with debilitating headaches and nausea, hangovers can ruin your Saturday morning or the rest of your weekend. You get a hangover after a night of drinking alcohol, and there are several reasons why this happens. 

One of the main reasons for a hangover is the dehydration associated with drinking excessive alcohol. When you drink, your brain doesn’t release a hormone called vasopressin. Typically, this hormone travels to your kidneys, prompting them to retain fluid. Without it, you urinate more often and lose vital fluids. 

Add that to gastrointestinal inflammation and fragmented sleep, and you get the perfect recipe for a hangover. Your hangovers might involve excessive fatigue, upset stomach, malaise, and anxiety. 

How can I get rid of a hangover?

Your hangover will go away with time, but specialized hangover remedies can alleviate symptoms more quickly. You must supply your liver with important nutrients to get rid of a hangover faster. 

A hangover box treatment at Hydration Box contains vital nutrients, like magnesium and glutathione, and several medications to help your body process and dispose of the alcohol. Customizable treatments with the hangover box reduce head pain, nausea, and other hangover-related disturbances.

What’s in a hangover box treatment? 

At Hydration Box, April provides hangover box treatments to support hangover recovery alongside optional add-ons for better overall wellness. Each hangover box contains: 

® (Ondansetron)

Zofran belongs to a class of drugs called antiemetics, which block specific hormones to prevent nausea and vomiting. 

® (Ketorolac)

Toradol is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that can reduce headaches and other discomfort. 

Vitamin B complex

Vitamin B complex promotes faster metabolism while also supporting brain and nerve function. 

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 improves your body’s metabolism and energy production. 

Amino acids

Amino acids support a healthy overall internal environment, including your digestive and immune systems. 


Magnesium relaxes constricted blood vessels to improve blood flow and reduce inflammation. 


Glutathione is a superantioxidant that helps your liver fight oxidative stress particles, which are byproducts of alcohol metabolism. 

To visit Hydration Box for a comprehensive hangover relief consultation, call the office or book an appointment online today.