
High Dose Vitamin C

High Dose Vitamin C

High Dose Vitamin C services offered in St. Petersburg, FL

High-dose vitamin C supports disease prevention and long- and short-term recovery and can also cure cancer at early stages and before the cancer metastasises. Whether you’re managing a chronic disease or fighting an acute infection, April Mitchell, RN, can provide customizable high-dose vitamin C intravenous (IV) therapy at Hydration Box in St. Petersburg, Florida. Call the office or book an appointment online to learn about the benefits and review customization options today.

High Dose Vitamin C Q & A

How does my body use high-dose vitamin C?

Vitamin C is one of many vitamins your body relies on to function efficiently. More specifically, your immune system uses vitamin C to fight infections and protect your health. Vitamin C also plays an important role in converting nutrients like B vitamins and folic acid into fuel to power your metabolism. 

Because your body can’t produce vitamin C spontaneously, you need to get it from other sources. While you can usually get plenty of vitamin C in your diet, high-dose vitamin C IV therapy at Hydration Box can help treat and prevent various common conditions. 

When you visit Hydration Box for an initial consultation, April helps you decide if high-dose vitamin C is the right hydrating treatment for you. With plenty of add-on options available, you can customize your treatment according to your wellness goals. 

Hydration Box offers 15g-100g depending on the inflammatory condition. A G6PD test must be completed, must be within normal limits (8.6 to 18.6 units/gram hemogloin), and on file for doses of 30 grams or more due to the uncommon and rare occurance of vitamin C induced hemolytic anemia which could cause red blood cells to break down. 

When should I consider a high-dose vitamin C treatment? 

High-dose vitamin C is an excellent choice for those fighting acute and chronic illnesses. You can get high-dose vitamin C to help treat or prevent:

Acute infections

Vitamin C boosts the immune system, helping you better fight off the common cold, the flu, and COVID-19, among other acute illnesses. 

Chronic diseases and cancer 

High-dose vitamin C reduces inflammation throughout your body to help manage or prevent chronic diseases like atherosclerosis, diabetes, glaucoma, stroke, heart disease, and cancer. 

Which other nutrients can I get in the high-dose vitamin C box? 

In addition to 10 thousand milligrams of vitamin C, the high-dose vitamin C box contains lower doses of these powerful nutrients for extra support:

Vitamin B complex

Vitamin B complex is a group of vitamins that support your metabolism and cellular energy production. Like vitamin C, it supports immune system function. 

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 supports the health of your blood and nerve cells while also playing a critical role in cell energy production. 


Zinc is an important mineral for reducing the duration of acute illnesses like the common cold and boosting your recovery. 


The mineral magnesium assists over 300 vital processes in your body and reduces stress on your organs. 


Glutathione is an antioxidant your liver uses to process toxins from your diet, environment, and lifestyle. Without it, these toxins build up and cause stress on your body, often worsening chronic diseases. 

To learn more about the benefits of high-dose vitamin C, call Hydration Box or schedule a treatment consultation online today.