


Nausea services offered in St. Petersburg, FL

A common symptom of pregnancy, motion sickness, and many stomach infections, nausea induces vomiting and is uncomfortable in itself. To reduce or prevent nausea, April Mitchell, RN, provides customizable Nausea Box intravenous (IV) therapy at Hydration Box in St. Petersburg, Florida. To schedule a consultation and see if you can benefit from IV therapy for nausea, call Hydration Box or book online today.

Nausea Q & A

What causes nausea?

When you get the sense you might throw up, the feeling you experience is called nausea. Even if you don’t throw up, nausea can be extremely uncomfortable and can draw you away from work and other responsibilities. 

While you might assume nausea is the result of a sick stomach or poor digestion, it can occur as the result of a hormone imbalance. When too much serotonin floods your gut faster than you can digest it, you feel nausea as a result. You can also experience nausea because of cortisol insufficiency. 

Nausea is also a common pregnancy symptom because of low levels of pyridoxine (vitamin B6). That’s why many pregnant women experience morning sickness. 

When might I need treatment for nausea?

April offers IV hydration with the carefully formulated Nausea Box to anyone experiencing intense nausea, no matter the cause. You might be interested in IV hydration for nausea if you experience an upset stomach or vomiting because of:


Morning sickness is most common during the first trimester, but many women experience it for the duration of their pregnancies. IV therapy provides nausea relief in a way that’s safe for you and your baby. 

An upset stomach

Nausea can occur for plenty of reasons or have no apparent cause. If you experience nausea as a medication side effect from motion sickness, acid reflux, or a gastrointestinal infection, IV therapy with the nausea box can make you feel better. 

Which nutrients are in the nausea box?

April carefully formulates every box at Hydration Box with strategic nutrients and medicines to serve a specific purpose related to health and wellness. The nausea box fights nausea and vomiting with:

® (Ondansetron)

Zofran is an antiemetic medication that blocks hormones like serotonin to prevent nausea and vomiting. 

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6)

Pyridoxine in the nausea box can replenish your vitamin six supply to prevent morning sickness nausea. 


Magnesium is an important mineral known to reduce morning sickness and stress throughout the body, including the digestive system.

Hydration Box also offers plenty of nutrient add-ons to customize your therapeutic experience.  

Learn more about nausea box IV therapy by calling Hydration Box or scheduling an IV therapy consultation online today.