


L-Carnitine services offered in St. Petersburg, FL

As a natural amino acid, L-carnitine supports healthy weight loss and brain health. April Mitchell, RN, can help you decide if intravenous (IV) hydration treatments, including L-carnitine, can enhance your health and wellness in the ways you need at the Hydration Box in St. Petersburg, Florida. Find out if you can benefit from L-carnitine treatments by booking a consultation over the phone or online today.

L-Carnitine Q & A

What is L-carnitine?

L-carnitine is one of many amino acids that support healthy digestive and immune systems. Amino acids also help build muscle fibers, increase energy, and preserve healthy skin. While amino acids are undeniably beneficial to your health, your body doesn’t make all of them so you need to get many of them in your diet or other sources like IV hydration or injections. 

This isn’t the case for nonessential amino acids like L-carnitine, which your body produces naturally. It plays an important role in your body’s natural energy production by transporting fatty acids into the energy-producing mitochondria of your cells. 

Your body is capable of producing L-carnitine, but it needs several components to do so. You can make L-carnitine using two other amino acids: lysine and methionine. Your body also needs an ample supply of vitamin C to create L-carnitine. 

Who can benefit from L-carnitine IV hydration?

IV hydration boxes, add-ons, and injections containing L-carnitine can benefit those who are trying to lose weight. L-carnitine is often used as a weight loss supplement to support a low-calorie eating plan and regular exercise regimen.

You might also benefit from L-carnitine treatments if you have:

  • Declining heart health
  • Age-related mental decline
  • Muscle soreness, fatigue, and other athletic needs
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Depression

At Hydration Box, April helps you review your IV hydration options in comparison to your needs and goals so you can make the most suitable choice for treatment. 

How does L-carnitine IV hydration work?

IV hydration is an excellent way to fight dehydration and chronic stress while also supplying your body with vital amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. During your consultation at Hydration Box, you can discuss your overall health and goals with April to determine the treatment or treatments that align with your needs. 

During an IV hydration session at Hydration Box, you sit for roughly an hour as nutrients and saline from an IV bag flow into your veins through a catheter. This provides instantaneous energy and hydration as well as long-term benefits like less stress on your body and fewer chronic disease complications associated with chronic stress. 

Call Hydration Box or schedule a consultation online to learn how hydration treatments with L-carnitine can improve your health and wellness.